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Hi again AA community,

Since I am new here in New Zealand I have some concerns,
1) When the stop light just turn yellow is it still okay to go straight ahead or turn left/right? Because I have done a private driving lesson here and my instructor said it it turns yellow he said not to go straight or turn. I am observing other drivers and they are doing this practice.
2) If the traffic light is green but the right/left arrow is not yet turn on, is it okay to turn? (but of course should give way to cars going straight on the other lane). Again as I observed most drivers do turn right/left if the stop light turns to green even if the right/left arrow is not yet turn-on.


Hello according to the NZTA road code it states that

*A yellow signal means stop, unless you are so close to the intersection that you can't stop safely. A yellow signal indicates that the lights will soon turn red.

*If there is no red arrow to the right you can turn right as long as you have a green light and give way to vehicles coming towards you and any pedestrians that are crossing the road.