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Hey team,
Today I received a speeding fine that advised that I was 5km over the limit, the speed camera clocked me at 55km/h.

Whilst the fine is completly understandable and I am happy to pay it, I do have questions (it was Labour day so therefore the limit was lower, something I forgot)

Is it reasonable that the speed camera might have been incorrect? It was just 1km over and for that it seems reasonable that there might have been an error or mistake?




Hi Claire,
There is possibly more chance of the car speedo being out that a speed camera's radar.
Vehicles are designed to actually read faster than actual speed travelled, so the chances are pretty high that if the speed camera registered 55, your speedo would almost be reading 60. Unfortunately questioning the speed cameras accuracy would not prove successful. Drivers are reminded that any speed over the posted speed limit can incur a fine, any tolerance mentioned does not change the limit.