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Recently, I have been issued an infringement notice for using the T2 Lane on Albany Highway when I was the only occupant of the vehicle. I had used a stretch (approx. 100 meters) of the T2 lane to make a left turn onto 'Dairy Flat Highway'. The lane change took place on the dashed line area, just outside the 'Early Settler's' retirement village, with the intent of making a left turn onto 'Library Lane'. The vehicle in front of mine had also made the lane change, and had decided to turn and park on 'Library Lane' which left me with having to turn directly onto 'Dairy Flat Highway' from 'Albany Highway'. At the time, there was definitely traffic in the non-T2 lane(s) so it was not viable for me to change back without causing more congestion on the road. Images linked with the infringement notice can be used to back-up my statement which show the vehicle in front of me as well as turning signals indicating the turn towards 'Library Lane'. I would love to know if I have any chance in contesting this $150 fine.


Hi Josh,
From what I can see is that the use of a special vehicle lane for turning purposes must only be for a short length of time (less than 50 metres). Unfortunately based on previous results there is little success to be had in protest, especially if the other lane is full, you must not continue in the special lane.