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Hi, I'm coming to NZ from the UK in 2 weeks. I will be driving in NZ on a British licence. I do know that in NZ you have to have your licence on your person at all times when you're driving and if you don't produce it in a reasonable amount of time you get fined. In the UK our driving licences are two parts - photocard (with ID details) and paper counterpart (with traffic convictions and penalty points etc). In the UK you must produce both parts when asked, as both parts make up your licence (if you produced only the photocard at a police station for driver identification or for a driving test it would not be accepted), but in NZ will I need to carry both the photocard and the paper counterpart or will I only need the photocard?


Hi there,
You will just need to carry the photo license with you only.
You can use your UK one for up to a year before having to convert your license.