Although electric vehicle (EV) battery technology is advancing, even when fully charged there are some EVs that still can’t travel anywhere near as far as internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles on a full tank.

However, the average Kiwi travels a daily distance of less than 29km by car, and according to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), 90 per cent of all journeys are less than 90km, which is easily within the range of an EV.

There may be motorists who want to get that little bit more.  So here are a few pointers on how to get the best of your EV this winter.

What makes an EV lose charge quicker?  

The efficiency and driving range of EVs and plug-in hybrid vehicles (BEVs or PHEVs) varies based on a number of factors; driving habits, driving conditions and cabin temperature, for example, can all contribute to a quicker drop in battery capacity.

It’s been reported that up to 12 per cent of battery range can be lost in cold weather - more so in extreme weather where you’ll need to use your climate controls.

One of the biggest drains on an EV battery in cold weather is the heater. While petrol engine cooling systems tend to generate large amounts of heat that can be harvested to warm a car’s interior, an EV must rely on an electric-powered heater to keep a driver’s teeth from chattering. If you turn up the heat on an EV, you’ll often see the total available range drop.

Fortunately, some of the latest EVs now use heat pump technology which drastically reduces power consumption from the thousands of watts down to between 500 and 750 watts.

Ways to conserve power

If you have a garage, you should always try and use it during winter, no matter what type of car you drive. It will help the engine, battery, and interior maintain a reasonable temperature.

If you have an EV though, try to make the most of the time when it’s charging. If it’s plugged in and you’re getting ready for a trip, try to plan ahead by pre-heating or cooling the cabin while it’s still connected to its power source. This will help to prolong its electric range, particularly in extreme heats.

It is also advisable to start driving as soon as you disconnect the vehicle from the power supply. You should charge the vehicle overnight or programme charging to match the time scheduled for your departure. Why? Because the electrical and chemical activity pre-heats the battery. Then, it will be less likely to lose range, especially over the first few kilometres.

Many EVs come with an economy mode and it is well worth making the most of it while you’re driving. When this mode is selected, other aspects of the vehicle's performance such as the acceleration rate are limited to help conserve energy. It can also increase the regenerative braking capacity to put more charge back into the battery, and all of this contributes towards maximising the vehicle’s range.

Another tip if you’re behind the wheel is to avoid unnecessary hard braking, and anticipate braking instead. This will allow the vehicle's regenerative braking system to recover energy from the vehicle's forward motion and store it as electricity.

Hard braking will cause the vehicle to use its conventional friction brakes, which may not recover as much energy. Also, observe the speed limit as it will ensure you save power, as well as keeping you and those around you safe. Maybe try some routes that could be less energy-hungry.

Under-inflated tyres can reduce economy, so it’s important to check your tyre pressure regularly and maintain the optimal pressure determined by the manufacturer.

If using accessories, make sure they’re used wisely. Heating, air conditioning and entertainment systems all affect fuel economy on all vehicles, but can have an even greater effect on EVs. Instead, try using the heated seats and steering wheel (if you have them), rather than the cabin heater, as this won’t reduce your range as much.

Some accessories like roof racks can adversely affect a vehicle's aerodynamics. If it’s not needed, we’d suggest removing them and keeping them in the garage.

More than half of an engine’s effort already goes towards cutting through wind resistance at highway speeds, but colder air is denser so it takes even more effort to overcome drag.

With EVs increasing in popularity for NZ motorists, and with the Government’s recently announced Clean Car Discount programme, it is important to be on the lookout for ways to ensure you maximise your vehicle’s battery range.

The AA is committed to providing motorists with the latest EV-related information and pointers to ensure EV ownership isn’t complicated. AA Members can contact Motoring Advisors for all EV-related questions at

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