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My Wife is pregnant and the seatbelts in her Nissan Wingroad are getting a little tight. What are our options here?
We've been told that extenders are available, but I'm not sure that sounds safe. We've also been told that we can replace the belts with longer ones. Is that something we can do ourselves and what checks are then needed to be carried out to make sure everything has been done correctly?
I've also been told that there is an exemption which can be got meaning she wouldn't have to wear a belt, but again, that just doesn't sound too safe.
We're just not too sure on what to do here so any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,


Seatbelt extensions are available and as long as they are the correct type to fit your vehicle, they are safe. They are available from Motor Accessory stores such as Repco. If you are unable to locate the correct fitting for your vehicle, then you can have a longer belt installed.