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In NZ what standards are required for lights in general? - do they need to be E-marked, or will "DOT" approval be enough?

i've read the motorcycle VIRM and all it says is brake light must be visible from 100m in day & 200m at night, plus 15 & 45 degree agles etc... but nothing about lights must be E-marked or pass a certain standard!

So my second question is... i know it's recommended to have lights with standards marked on them, but will i fail a WOF if my lights have no standard markings but pass the requirements mentioned above?


See the following link to Entry Certification, lighting and look under tables and images for the relevant lighting system standard markings

The lights will also need to meet the approved standards for the WOF inspection as well - it will fail the WOF if it's found to not meet the standards during the inspection.