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Hi, I am looking at purchasing a vehicle that is an insurance write off & re-registered.

Vehicle is very late NZ new model & seller has been open about history & providing documentation - reason for write off was that it was (apparently) uneconomical to repair.

Vehicle has been repaired locally in NZ, complied, inspected & re-registered - all documentation has been available to view.

Vehicle price is reflective of history.
Photos confirm that amount of damage received (mainly rear bumper, towbar, lights, boot lid, boot interior etc - all replaced. Vehicle flanks & spare wheel well not damaged).
Vehicle is in very good condition, drives & functions well.

Aside from the stigma attached to these types of vehicle, are there any other pitfalls to consider?

Aware that re-sale may be an issue down the line.
Is structural integrity likely to be an issue if correctly repaired?


Hi there,
I believe that the repair certification method before a damaged vehicle can re-enter the road is strict enough to give buyers a bit of a bargain. The main thing is that you are aware of what was involved and it is reflected in the price. You may want to get a 2nd opinion from a panelbeater as to the repairs they can see and if they think rust could be an issue years down the track.