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Hi, I'm selling my car and so I'm getting it serviced next week to make sure it's up to standard and no surprises for me or the buyer. I know that a pre-purchase check is worth doing if you're buying a car, and heard that if you do it as a seller this can be an attractive point for potential buyers. I have two questions about this:
* Will this really be worth the $184 since I'm having a service done so soon?
* Will buyers be able to trust this check or will they feel they need to have an additional independent check they organise themselves for peace of mind?
The car is only worth a couple of thousand so $184 is quite a lot considering. Thanks for any advice.


Hi it all really comes down to the buyer, and you never really know who will show up at your door to buy the vehicle and what they will require.

Having a AA Pre-purchase inspection does offer a lot of clarity and certainty, it is a trusted report that is seldom questioned. A pre purchase inspection report is also great selling tool that could help your model stand out from the crowd.

You can book one here...