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Hi there - we have a '96 Toyota Caldina with 250,000kms. It feels like it's time to upgrade as we believe there's a fair bit of work on the horizon. We have $10K to spend but don't really know what to look for. We need another wagon and are open to considering any make/model that is comparable.

What would you recommend that we look for in terms of make/models, km range, and price? Is there anything that we should really watch out for or stay away from?

Do you have any views on the merits of buying privately v. used car dealers?

And one final question that'll be hard to answer without seeing the vehicles, but... We also have an '86 Diahatsu Charade with 200,000kms, new clutch, running quite well really. What's a good way to figure out which car to upgrade first? They both need replacing but we can only replace one. Your thoughts?

Thank you for your help.


If you believe the Toyota Caldina has a fair bit of work needed and the Diahatsu Charade is running fairly well - You should consider replacing the Caldina.

In this price range you might be lucky enough to find a 2004 2.0L - 2.3L Mazda 6 or Atenza with appoximately 120,000km. Another option is the 2005 Toyota Corolla wagon 1.8L with around 105,000km. These cars have a good reputation for reliability.

Buying privately is always risky (buyer beware) but you might get a better deal. Buying from a dealer is the safer option and less risk of something going wrong. If you opt for buying privately you should have a history check done to ensure there is no outstanding money owing on the vehicle and a pre-purchase inspection carried out. I would advise you buy through a reputable dealer.

Try avoid high mileage vehicles and CVT transmissions - older model CVT's were known to be problematic.


Hi JHeller,

Sorry to butt in mate but have you considered a Honda Accord Euro wagon? They're fun to drive, very roomy, come in a 5 speed conventional auto and pretty economical. For some reason the wagons aren't as popular as the sedans (probably due to the American way of styling the rear hatch) but they're a helluva good car. At a stretch you should be able to find one cheaper than the Atenza/6 which has done less mileage and you don't have to run it on 95 as with the Atenza.

Hope that helps