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We are looking to upgrade the family car. I want to go Toyota wagon as they are pretty roomy and i have 2 rear facing child car seats.
Trying to choose between Caldina or Avensis. There are a few 2005's on the market around the $8K mark ranging from 65000km to about 150000km.
Is one model generally superior to the other? I know to avoid D4 engines. Is the fact Caldina's are not as widely sold here an indicator that parts may be harder to get hold of?

Thanks heaps!


You will find that the Avensis has the d4 engine.They say that the new zealand new model has the standard engine,but i have yet to see a nz or import with other than the d4. Was interested in these models myself and researched them thoroughly,,,,,,,, dont buy.


Further to tjhull's comment, if you can find a 1.8 litre Caldina, it will have the conventional Corolla running gear. While it may not quite be as powerful as a 2.0 litre, long-term reliability should be better.