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Hi there. Looking to upgrade my Mitsubishi Colt to a 2008ish Suzuki SX4. Have a car dealers (who I got my last car off and are very reliable) who import these. Just wondering how reliable they are and if there is anything I should know about buying an imported car rather than NZ as last one was. Car will be AA appraised (as all theirs are) but do you suggest any other checks I should take as well?


Hi Jess,
These cars seem to be a good buy just like the swifts. Buying imported, it is good to get
a band expander fitted to the radio so you can get NZ stations. Ask for two keys, as a second key can be very expensive to buy.
I recommend a pre purchase inspection to be carried, as the appraisals are only a fraction
of the checks needed to make an informed decission on the vehicle.
Appraisals are a dealer-only inspection and not intended for the buyer.