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We are looking at upgrading our vehicle and have been checking out the Toyota Wish vehicles. After reading a previous post, I understand that it is best to stay away from the 2.0L because of the D4 engine. In the past we have had problems with the CVT gearbox in a 1998 Nissan Primera SW and also a 2003 Audi (twice). I understand that the CVT gearboxes are a lot better now, but I am unsure as to whether there are any known problems with the Toyota Wish and were hoping you could shed some light. I suspect from my investigations (which may not be correct) that the 2005 1.8L is a standard automatic transmission, whereas the 2006 and up are CVT. To CVT or not, that is the question? :). We would appreciate any other information about the Toyota Wish you can offer as well. Thanking you in advance.


Hi there,
You are 100% those Nissan and Audi ones were a bit of trouble!.
However Toyota have not proven to be very problematic with their CVT's, however I may still prefer the 1.8L which didn't have a cvt till 2009. It is hard to know with Japanese imports as they could include a cvt in anything.
As far as I'm aware these vehicles are a great buy.


Thank you so much for confirming what we were thinking :). Do you know much about Tiptronic transmissions?


Thank you so much for confirming what we were thinking :). Do you know much about Tiptronic transmissions?


Tiptronic is an electronic method of changing gears, usually extra levers or buttons on the steering wheel or an extra function of the automatic gear lever. A fancy manual gear shift control of an automatic transmission.