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I bought a vehicle off a registered dealer 5 months ago. I have had a problem with it (admittedly my own fault) however, from this I have found out that the car has a cam belt. When purchasing this car. I asked when was the cam belt changed last since I didn't want to have any sudden mechanical problems, and he responded that it was chain driven so I went ahead with the purchase since everything else was looking fine.
Now that I have found out that it does have a cam belt and have no idea when it was and will need to be changed. I am feeling very uncomfortable in the car and would like to return it to the dealer.
I did email him saying what the situation was and his reply was he isn't a mechanic and maybe this was the information that the previous owners had supplied to him.

I was wondering what I can do about this? Since, as I am aware, he legally has to provide me correct information, and since I specifically asked this question he should have found the correct answer. If I had of known this to start with I would not have bought the car.


Hi there,
Firstly, I recommend getting a visual check of the belt, and see if there are any stickers around to indicate when it was replaced. If no evidence of replacement is found, get a quote of replacement and negotiate with the vehicle supplier as the getting it replaced.
Cam belts once replaced, generally give no trouble or need looking at till next due period.
While chain driven engines are generally maintenance free, they are still not bulletproof and if they stretch or have a problem, can cost thousands to replace not hundreds as most cam belts would.
It may not be enough of a problem to break the deal and warrant a return of the vehicle.