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Hi there. I am in the process of seeking monetary compensation for driving a total of 87.5km in a 1L 1997 Nissan March using 91 petrol. This distance is the sum of around 12-15 smaller journeys around and between towns (so includes slow and fast speeds, and turning the car on and off a lot). I would also like to include wear and tear as well as petrol costs of this total distance. Is it possible for you to give me an idea of the total cost included in the 87.5km, taking into account the different speeds, starting and stopping and wear and tear?


The AA calculates vehicle running costs on an annual basis, however we do the calculation based on a car at the 3rd year of age where depreciation is a significant cost.
To give you an approximate indication, a 3 year old small car such as this would cost 53.2c per km to run. However, given the age of your car, the real cost would be much less as it has already depreciated significantly. Perhaps around 35c per km might be a more realistic figure, but it really comes down to a negotiation between the parties involved.