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What would be an expected mileage reimbursement for a 2003 GZ250 bike?
Being used for over 200Kms per weeks of work travel.


Unfortunately, we have no data on motorcycle running costs. The smallest cars have a running cost of 63.2c per km, but we believe a motorcycle might only be about half that rate.


Would you be able to elaborate on how this is calculated? or link me to a source?

Because that doesn't sound right when you take into consideration the more than doubled vehicle licencing costs for a motorbike, or its higher maintenance frequency


Vehicle licensing is a very small part of the running cost. The main component is depreciation, and as we calculate running cost on vehicles at the third year of age, the average cost of vehicle surveyed is around $15k. I imagine your motorcycle is of a lower value, also its fuel consumption would presumably be lower.
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