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Whilst parked on the Nth Shore we recieved a infringment notice for having an obscured license plate even though we had the number plate printed in clear sight on the back left hand side of the rear window. What was partially obscuring the license plate was our bike rack and after taking the bike off the rack for a training run and removing the supplimentary plate that we have over the bike when in transport(this was put in the boot whilst we were out training) as well as the number plate clearly visible on the back window we were still given an infringement notice.
We took photo's of the car and the back of it which clearly show the slightly obscured number plate as well as the the printed plate number on the back window as soon as we saw the infringement notice and wrote to Auckland Transport with the photo's requesting it to be negated or heard in a hearing. They have opted for the hearing, no common sense!
The question is how strong a case do we have, we feel that we have a very strong case, in the fact that we clearly had the number plate visible on the back window whilst parked.
My comment is that I am gob-smacked at the insane behaviour of Auckland Transport, this is simply a waste of resources and tax payers money and regardless of whether or not we win the case we will ensure that our thoughts on this matter are made blatantly clear.


As you may be aware, the AA is currently assisting members in cases where parking infringements such as this seem unjust. Therefore, please send your contact details to and we may be able to assist.
I would point out that while you clearly had good intent, the printed plate is not legal. However the fact that you had a supplimentary plate for when the vehicle was in use as well as the vehicle's original plate attached (albeit, obscured) seems to demonstrate that you were taking a responsible approach.
We look forward to receiving your details (and any photos you may have).