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I get really nervous when I notice that the driver behind me is following too closely. If I have room to pull over and let them past, I will, but this is not always feasible. Would I be justified in slowing down so that their following distance is now appropriate to the speed of travel, on the grounds that I am "driving to the conditions"?

An example: We are on a stretch of road where the posted limit is 80kph. However, in my judgement the driver behind me could not brake in time at that speed to avoid a collision if I were forced to stop suddenly, but they could if we were traveling at 60kph. Could I be ticketed for obstructing traffic if I slowed us both down to 60kph until the following driver either passed me or increased their following distance?

Thanks! ND


Your suggestion of slowing down to hold up the driver behind is likely to exacerbate the problem, and cause the tailgater to travel even closer.
In these situations it's best to pull to the left and allow the following car to pass, which as you say, may require you to slow down further.
In answer to your question about being ticketed; yes, you most certainly can be ticketed for obstructing the traffic.