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Six months ago we purchased a motorhome with a brand new WOF. We took it for a WOF at VTNZ yesterday and were failed as it did not have an LVV plate. The vehicle was imported as a self propelled caravan and first registered in NZ in 2004. Where do we stand with this? It hasn't been modified since being in NZ. (I have booked an inspection with AA, which is to be done tomorrow)


Presumably, this vehicle has been getting WoFs for 10 years without problem. However, assuming it is a conversion and not a factory model, VTNZ are correct if there is no Type Approval plate either.
If you purchased the vehicle from a dealer, you may have some comeback on them.
As you are an AA Member, feel free to call the Motoring Advice line on 0800 500 333 (option 2) if you require any further information.