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Hi there I brought a second hand car(1974 Valiant Regal) privately for 14 grand and the the next day it blew a top radiator hose. Got it replaced by a mechanic and it blew again is believed to be a blown head gasket. Where abouts do I stand with getting my money back??


Hi there,
Unfortunately there is little cover for private sales, the Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) or Fair Trading Act FTA no longer apply.
So you would need to prove that the seller mislead you into buying the vehicle.
Follow this link for more information.


Well I have brought it believing it it was road legal. When i took it to the garage a day after I brought the vehicle to get the radiator hose fixed I got them to do a 25 point safety check and there is multiple things wrong with the car to get a warrant. It had got a new warrant the day before and the mechanic said there is no way the car should have one. So I have laid a Vehicle certification complaint form about the garage that gave it a warrant. I have requested the previous owner to give my money back and he isn't going to. Where do i go from now? To the disputes tribunal or do I get the garage that gave it a warrant to compensate my loses as i wouldn't have brought it with out a warrant.


Hi there,
Any issue you have still falls to the vehicle seller, he employed the inspection centre to carryout the wof, you won't be able to seek any compensation from the wof issuer themselves, they will get an investigation into the wof issue if you can prove that the car was defective on the day the wof was issued and should not have had one.
But the only way for compensation will be with the previous owner through a tribunal if you can prove you have been mislead into the purchase.


Sweet thanks alot. The condition of the car should be the same as the day i got it because it broke down the day. After i got it as I had merely driven it home from the previous owners house 15 minutes away. It then got the check done with the mechanic noting 14 different immediate WOF failures. The car has remained at the garage ever since. The car will be getting inspected by a certification officer soon. Thanks for your help.


Hi there,
Wow that is a lot, It might help with your argument that the fact the vehicle had a day old warrant mislead you to believing that the vehicle was safe to operate and legal for the road.