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Hi there. Looking to import one of the two. Both have no known issues. Both are V8s. Wanted for towing a float and the odd cruise - not an everyday run-around.

Land Cruiser's mileage is 123,000kms and Jeep's is 75,000km. The Jeep is the newer vehicle with the lowest mileage and best fuel economy, so it would appear to be a no-brainer, BUT I'm concerned about reliability and the cost of parts as sooner or later the vehicle will need work done.

Which would be the most cost effective and reliable, in your opinion?

Thank you.


Hi there,
I suspect the Landcruiser would hold it's value and may statistically be more reliable.
However it is very unlikely that these vehicles would pass the current emission and stability control standards for importing into NZ so investigation would be needed.


Thanks Cade, will do. Say the import was able to pass the standards and go ahead - would you have any comment on cost of parts / repairs & maint (Jeep vs Toyota) ? Cheers


Sorry, I don't really have an idea but I imagine it a similar difference as Japanese vs European car prices.


Thanks for that - am looking into the import requirements now and it appears that the land cruiser model is excluded, as you said. Still looking into the Jeep but you're probably correct there as well. Thanks for your time though. Appreciate it.