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Hi there,
I am looking at a small car, preferably less than 10 years old, and I bumped into a 2007 new model Honda Fit. I have read that the previous model had a lot of CVT problems, but never really heard about it from the newer model (after 2007)
I would like to ask if the newer 2007 and after model have CVT problems too, and what alternatives can I get for around $7 to $8k.
I quite like the newer fit, as it is very practical and fuel saving.


Hi there,
I'm not sure if the shuddering issues continued after 2007, but generally the reports we hear is that if they don become a problem it is simply an oil change with additive that is the cure 99% of the time. But if they give more trouble than that, it can be a very expensive exercise. There are some Mazda and Toyota hatchback options that you could also look at.
If you get a good one, the Fit is actually not a bad car, proving very popular.