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hi there AA,

during my Summer driving I hit a very large pothole on desert road.

When I got home I noticed there was a black oily substance that had dripped onto the rim (have taken photos but cant upload). It looked a bit like oil residue but was also quite thick. I have looked behind wheel as best I can, checked brake fluid, checked shock and cv joint as best I can and there does not seem to be any obvious leak, There has been no change in the cars performance, there are no unusual sounds or anything. I am wondering if maybe the wheel bearing is cracked?

I cleaned off the substance and monitored it. Yesterday i noted there was more discharge, it has been about 10 days since it happened.

Car is regularly serviced etc




Hi it may well be a leak from your shock absorber or a split CV boot perhaps,
I would take it into an AA Auto Center for an assessment..

You can fine one here


Thanks Ian,
Indeed it could be. My aa centre is a while away so will take some scheduling with work
If it is what you mention or wheel bearing can it be driven in the interim and for how long ? Likely at least 2-3 weeks before I can get it in/ with current work schedule


