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Dear advisor,

For my Honda Civic 2001's aircon fan that's not working, the 40 ampere fan fuse has been swapped with a working one, but the fan's still not going. There is a 12V fan relay that could be faulty. Can I ask an auto electrical shop person to test if the relay is faulty before buying a new one?

Am I approaching this problem the right way?

Please advise.

Thanks very much.



Normally if the fan resistor is faulty then the fan will still work on the highest speed (for a manual air conditioning system). An auto electrician can test if there is a 12 volt and earth supply to the fan motor on all speeds and test the fan resistor to determine where the fault lies. This is a simple system to test and the auto-electrician should have no problem in diagnosing the fault.

An auto electrician is best qualified to diagnose the fault.


Hi Donovan,

Thanks very much for your helpful advice. Would it likely be cheaper to see an auto electrician rather than the Honda agent?



It will likely be cheaper at an auto-electrician.


Thanks Donavan.

Best regards,