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Hi there,

we just had a pre purchase inspection on a 1996 toyota celica.
on the report it all looked fine apart from this:
Tappet Cover Gasket : Leaking Oil
the inspection agent didnt say the leak was bad, and there is no leak external of the car onto the ground, only a small amount inside the engine.

how much would it cost roughly to have this fixed?

thanks for your help - greatly appreciated.



I would imagine it will cost around $250 for the tappet cover gasket replacement.


Thanks so much Donavan.
appreciate the help!


$250???? This is a 30min job.Remove sparkplug leads,then 4 nuts and lift off,replace gasket and reassemble. No problem.


I think you will find that most local workshops will charge around $200 or $250 for the agents. It all depends on who the vehicle is taken to as the labour rate/time will vary dramatically and the parts pricing will also vary. This is an estimate and you would hope the tappet cover gasket is replaced along with the spark plug tube seals as they are normally part of a kit and we would expect the mechanic will take some time to clean the engine considering the old gasket has been leaking the oil onto the engine and hopefully dry off the electrical contacts afterwards. I am sure there are workshops that will slap the outer gasket on without even replacing the spark plug tube seals or cleaning the engine for a fraction of the price if the client requests. Appreciate your comments.


Fair comment,although the tubes in mine were in tiptop condition so didnt replace.Actually the only reason mine was done was that i had the cover off to be polished.


Thanks for your comments.