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I have a 2002 XKR100 and the central locking will only work if I put the key fob close to the rear window I have had the relay checked which is in the boot and that is ok changed the battery etc.
any one got any ideas.


If the vehicle is an import the system could be running on a lower/weaker frequency and this will cause this type of problem. New Zealand new vehicles use a higher radio frequency. The vehicle needs to be put on a Jaguar diagnostic computer and the frequency needs to be checked. Try the spare key as well - are both keys having this problem? If so it is likely the receiver is faulty or there could be another system in the vehicle or near the car that's using the same frequency and interfering with your key fob signal.


Hi Thanks for that I have had the receiver check out and is ok have used the spare and that is the same if the car and keys use a lower frequency why won't it work in NZ


The lower frequency will work in New Zealand and anywhere in the world but it doesn't have the same range as the higher frequencies.


Thanks for your help