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I used an authorised dealer to service my car (Toyota) in December. They told me I needed to get new brake pads and 2 new rear tyres - cost approx. $750.00. Today I got a new WOF for the car - it passed. I specifically asked VTNZ to check the brake pads and rear tyres - I was told they were fine - tyres were 4mm and braking % for axle 1 was 300 L&R, and axle 2 150 L&R. Was I about to get ripped off? I don't know anything about cars. Thanks, Maggie


It certainly seems strange that they suggested your tyres needed replacing if they have 4mm of tread across the whole surface and no other defects (bulges, cracks etc).
Regarding the brake pads, they will still perform well even if they are wearing down, and it's not usually possible to see the brake pad without removing the wheels, so it is still possible that the pads may be getting low.
However, it seems that it may pay you to get a second opinion because the situation with the tyres would be enough to cast some doubt on what this dealer told you.


Thanks for this - very helpful.