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I have recently purchased a 2004 Barina and the clearcoat is peeling on the roof (quite a lot). I am not too worried about the look of it, but want to know whether the metal will start to rust without this covering?
Is there any way the look of it can be improved without the clearcoat having to be replaced etc. Thank you.


While this is more of a cosmetic issue than one of rapid corrosion, there is less protection of the steel without the clearcoat. If you can't justify the expense of having the clearcoat re-applied, a good quality polish will help to protect the surface and may go some way towards improving it from a cosmetic perspective, but it will still be noticable.


Many thanks for your reply. I have purchased some coloured Turtle wax. How often do you think it should be applied to give good protection to the surface??


Turtle xax is a good quality product. If applied correctly, once a year should do the trick.


Many thanks for your help/advice. Much appreciated.