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I have an Austin Gypsy 1986.

A few years ago my engine was reconditioned. Now I have driven around 2500 km and still the engine consumes oil.
The consumption is about .5 litters for every 200 km

Is this excessive or the normal satiation.
How many km should the engine to be OK without using oil?

Thank you


Hi there,
This is a little bit excessive 1/2 a litre for 200kms?. That's 25ltrs per 10,000kms.
Concerning the age, I would expect around a litre or so every few thousand km's.
Maybe check what oil you are using, it may not be suited to the engine.


Hi Thanks for your reply.
I have an additional question:
I hear different stories about oil consumption after engine recondition.

Some say, it takes about 5000 km and after that the oil consumption is normal (whatever normal is)
Others say only a few hundred km

Could you say something about that.

Thank you



From my experience, the first few hours of running in are the most important.
If the correct process is not followed, perminant damage( glazed bores) could result.
I would suspect to use this much oil, there would be something wrong, I would definately
be talking an engine reconditioner, maybe get a second opinion.
Also it would depend on how much of a recondition was carried, were teh cylinders re-sized, sleeved, or honed? ect.


Thank you
Much appreciated