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My insurance is with AMI. Recently a car smashed into the back of my car whilst travelling (other driver fell asleep at wheel). I had my damage assessed by an AMI approved repairer (and dealer) who said repairs were more than amount for which car is insured. I then obtained a quote from the company where I have my car serviced who also have a paint and panel service. They have performed a number of AMI insurance claim repairs in the past. They assured me they could repair the damages for less than the 75% of the amount for which my car is insured. AMI however would not accept the quote because Honda had already "written off" the car. My car is a 2002 Honda Jazz. It has only done approx 78000 km. Honda say my car is out of alignment and therefore not fit to be repaired. Am I able to obtain an assessment from someone, perhaps AA, who could verify if my selected service centre is being realistic, or if the necessary repairs could not be done reliably for the amount quoted by them?


Hi there, we don't have an AA assesment service that would help with this sorry.
If the car is that badly damaged that the insurance would write it off, i'm not sure you would want it back.
Usually two indepentant quotes will satisfy, if the insurance company are willing to accept this. But in your case the insurance company don't seem to wan't to go that way, as they have their own assessor method in place.


Thank you for taking the time to answer my query.
Sorry to be a pest but I am following up the option to cancel my claim and have the car repaired through the faulty driver's insurance claim thereby hopefully having the second quote accepted.

What I'm wanting to know Is if there is any way of finding out if the assessment of the alternative repairer is reliable? If, for example, I could obtain an AA check as one does when purchasing a car, but for the purpose of ascertaining their opinion of the extent of the damage? Traffic was not moving fast when the impact occurred. The other car had no damage at all, but it was an SUV whereas mine is obviously made of celluloid.


Hi there,
The AA inspections don't go into detail about the damage, and would not give you the results you need in this case.
I would go to two independant panlebeaters and see how much it costs to repair, and match this with cost of replacement.


Thank you Cade