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I have a 2005 Honda Euro. For a 90,000km service I am quoted $900 plus ancillaries by the Honda agent. My local garage quotes me $190 for the same. Will the latter have all the analysis gear that is required ? If so I will go to them.


Hi there,
I doubt both garages will be doing the same type of service.
$190 will get you an oil and filter change, and a general check over.
$900 should get oil and filter, and maybe a transmission flush, antifreeze change ect.
In the end, Honda will be following a 90k service schedule for this car. Most workshops
will have a scan tool to check for fault codes, but this does not necessarily mean they
know about your vehicle specifically. At the end of the day you get what you pay for, and it's a balance of how much you want to care for your vehicle and how much you can afford.