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Help when it rains heavily the front passenger side floor gets wet but I have had the panelbeater have a look and they got it down to a small circle leak but now when it rains heavily most of the floor is wet again but it appears to come from the lining door side can anyone help what it is he is dumbfounded as well where the source of the leak is from he cleaned out the grill on the front bonnet but obviously the leak is still there await any advise or thoughts?? This only happened from approx Sept 2016 onwards we have had the car since 2014 it had an accident front left hand bumper in Jan 2016 hence why I went to the panelbeater thinking maybe it was something they did not put right ?? But again in only started leaking in Sept 2016??


Hi there,
The best way to spot a leak is to pull the carpet back, shut someone in the car with a torch, and run a hose all the way round the door. Switching up the water pressure and angles while observing for water droplets inside the vehicle. Sometimes a leak can also come from the windscreen heater vent area under the panel outside the screen/ wiper area.