'Unlucky' the dog - here to highlight some common treatment costs

Meet ‘Unlucky’ the dog. He’s the cutest canine and always wants to be a good boy. Look at how straight he is standing!

The trouble is, Unlucky didn’t get his name for no reason. That’s right, you name it and Unlucky has either caught it, ate it, or painfully experienced it. From pesky skin allergies to his fair share of lumps, bumps and infections. And with no pet insurance in place, Unlucky's unexpected treatment costs have left them and their owner in a difficult position financially (and errrr...physically). 

The good news is that Unlucky is (luckily) a little bit made up. However, he is here to highlight some of the costs that you and your pooch may face from your vet if you run into any of these more common illnesses or accidents and to get a better understanding as to whether you'd benefit from having some cover in place^.

'Unlucky' the dog

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Common illnesses/accidents Average treatment cost^ Highest treatment cost^
Dental disease $503 $1053
Skin infection and allergies $229 $2446
Toxic ingestion $439 $2303
Insect bites/stings $223 $952
Eye infection $209 $2751
Ear infection $230 $1316
Gastrointestinal $369 $4398
Lumps/cysts/tumours $486 $1617
Urinary tract infection $425 $2122
Cruciate ligament $3400 $4587

1. Dental disease Dental disease can progress quickly through four stages, from mild gum disease through to large amount of plaque, swollen gums, bleeding and tooth loss. Your pet could even become seriously ill as bacteria can go on to cause problems in organs like their heart and kidneys.1 The average cost for treatment is approx. $503^ but in some cases, it can go up to $1053^*

2. Skin infections and allergies Skin infections can be bacterial, fungal, or viral. Allergens are picked up outside and stick to your pet’s coat, belly and paws, and can get inside their ears and nose.2 For both of these, the costs most likely sit between $229 to $2446^ depending on the treatment.

3. Toxic Ingestion It is common for pets to eat something they shouldn’t have.  What may look like a harmless everyday object to us could look like a scrummy snack for them to swallow, resulting in upset tummies and trips to the vet. The average cost for treatment for this is $439 but can go as high as $2303^

4. Insect bites/stings It's no fun for anyone when pooch gets a sting, but it can happen. The average treatment cost for this is $223^

5. Eye infections Conjunctivitis is the most common eye infection in dogs. It can be caused in a number of ways, including; allergies, injury, birth defects, tear duct problems, foreign matter, dry eye, distemper, or even tumors.3  It can be up to an eye-watering $2751^ to treat.

6. Ear infections There are many reasons why pet’s ears become inflamed. These include allergies, foreign bodies, humidity, and parasites.4 The cost for treatment on average is $230^

7. Gastrointestinal Vomiting and diarrhoea can be common in dogs and besides being uncomfortable for the dog and umm….messy, it comes with an average cost of $369^ to treat.

8. Lumps/cysts/tumours Removing a lump on a dog has an average treatment cost of $486^, however if more complex surgical removal is required it could be up to $1617^

9. Urinary tract infection Dogs with a UTI may urinate frequently or whine out loud when urinating if it is painful. The cost for treating a UTI is on average $425^ but if there are further complications it can be up to $2122^

10. Cruciate ligament is an injury to the cruciate ligament (a ligament that helps to stabilise the knee joint) and has an average treatment cost of $3400^#

^ Mean claim amount figures based on Allianz Partners 2018-2020 pet insurance claims data, and highest claim amount figures are based on Allianz Partners 2018-2020 claims data, for total claimed amount per condition per policy period. Allianz Partners was previously the administrator and manager of the AA Pet Insurance. It’s important to know that these costs are indicative only. Your own pet’s treatment costs may vary from these figures depending on the severity and individual circumstances. AA Pet Insurance covers up to 80% of eligible vet expenses. Policy terms, exclusions (including pre-existing conditions), limits, sub-limits, annual condition limits apply. Waiting periods and excesses may also apply. See individual policy documents.
* Please note that the Dental Illness Sub limit is $600.
# Please note that the Cruciate Ligament Conditions Sub Limit is $3200.
1. Source https://aucklandpethospital.co.nz/pet-library/identifying-dental-disease
2. Source https://aucklandpethospital.co.nz/pet-library/how-to-identify-seasonal-pet-allergy-symptoms
3. Source https://pets.webmd.com/dogs/dog-discharge-from-eye#1
4. Source https://aucklandpethospital.co.nz/pet-library/ear-infection-in-pets

The Insurer

AA Pet Insurance policies are brought to you by the New Zealand Automobile Association Incorporated (AA), are administered and managed by PetSure (Australia) Pty Ltd, and are underwritten by The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd.

Financial Strength Rating

The Hollard Insurance Company Pty Ltd has a financial strength rating of A- (Excellent) issued by A.M.Best Company Inc. For more details on the Financial Strength Rating, please click here.

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