
About 2 results for accommodation

  • Is sporting equipment such as skis and snowboards covered?

    Not whilst in use or left unattended in public places. Equipment is only covered for loss or damage while in licensed commercial transport or for fire or burglary from locked accommodation premises. It is covered up to the item limit on the policy, unless it has been specified.

  • What will be covered when it comes to epidemic and pandemic diseases such as Covid-19?

    AA Travel Insurance policies provide cover for cancellation and medical expenses if you contract an epidemic or pandemic disease such as Covid-19 after purchasing your policy. If you contract an epidemic or pandemic disease after purchasing your policy and can no longer travel, you will be able to make a claim for the cost of flights and hotel accommodation. The policies also provide cover for medical claims directly related to an epidemic or pandemic disease which will apply after you commence your journey if you contract that disease.

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