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I have signed a purchase agreement on a new vehicle with a brand dealer. Delivery can not be confirmed, but will be within six weeks. The exchange rate has increased since I signed the purchase agreement. Can I use this to renegotiate the purchase price upon payment?


How would you feel if the Kiwi dollar went the other way?

Would you pay more for the new car if asked?

Like most Kiwi businesses who import their product, there is a certain amount of risk and forward planning for all new vehicle distributors when they are pricing and setting the specification levels for their vehicles. This is often done well in advance of stock arrival and it can become a swings and roundabouts situation as far as financial margins are concerned.

The cars on the water heading for NZ or yet to be produced, may well have been paid for in advance when the dollar was a lot lower.

I’m sure the new vehicle distributor concerned can explain it all a lot better than me.