AA Vehicle Valuation report

Check your vehicle's value before you buy or sell with an AA Vehicle Valuation Report.

You will need a valid New Zealand debit or credit card to purchase an AA Vehicle Valuation report. Please ensure you enter your correct vehicle details before making payment, as we do not issue refunds. 

2024 Spring campaign car servicing

AA Spring Service Campaign

How can you make sure you only pay a fair market value and no more - or get a bargain? If you're selling a car, van or ute, how can you get the best price?   

Get an AA Vehicle Valuation report, in association with Red Book, to find out what a car is worth in today's market.


$19.95 You will receive a PDF of your Vehicle Valuation report via email. Buy online now


  • The market price for nearly every make or model of car in New Zealand
  • The value for a vehicle buyer, or seller
  • Mileage and condition of the car *
  • Features and specifications, e.g. petrol consumption and emissions ratings **

Buy online

A 3 step process:

  1. Enter vehicle details
  2. Enter your contact details
  3. Pay securely by NZ debit or credit card 

You will receive a PDF of your Vehicle Valuation report via email.

* Mileage selection applies to vehicles 10 years or newer only.

** Vehicle features, specifications, petrol consumption and emission ratings will be included where available from Red Book's database.

What's included in a Vehicle Valuation?

Section Information summary 
Trade-in price Trade-in value based on the car's condition.
Private sale price If selling privately, the value based on the car's condition.
Safety rating The car's safety rating based on crash test results.
Fuel consumption Information about the car's petrol consumption.
CO2 emissions Emissions information for the car.
Features The car's features, such as transmission, engine size, power, safety information and fuel type information.

Valuations are provided in partnership with Red Book

The AA is not a registered valuer so we have teamed up with Red Book - the Australasian market leader in vehicle pricing since 1960. 

The vehicle database includes approximately 100,000 unique vehicle models dating from 1983 and including second-hand imports. Every month, each vehicle price in the Red Book database is reviewed - and around 80 percent of existing prices are changed.

For technical enquiries call 0800 500 333

RedBook Attribution