Terms and conditions

Please read the following terms carefully - use of aa.co.nz means that you agree to these.

Privacy policy

This policy explains how we may collect information about you and use it in order to satisfy your particular requirements. It outlines some of the security measures that we take in order to protect your privacy and gives certain assurances on things that we will not do.

Website terms of use

Terms and conditions for use of AA website - by using the website you agree to these.


Terms and conditions for all Personal Membership and Business Membership options.

AA Home

View the full terms and conditions for AA Home Response.

AA Driving School

Terms & conditions for AA Driving School.

AA Money

Terms and conditions for Finance options.

AA Pre Purchase Inspection

By using AA Pre Purchase Inspection, you agree to these terms and conditions.

AA Battery Service

Warranty, terms and conditions for AA Battery Service

AA Vehicle History Reports

Terms and conditions for AA Vehicle History Reports.

AA Vehicle Valuation Reports

By using the AA Vehicle Valuation Report disclaimer you agree to these.

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