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I have an old Austin Gipsy 1968.
She recently had a service, oil change etc.
When I received the invoice two weeks later I saw that the oil they put is was 8 liters and according to the manual it should be 7 Liters .
Can that be a problem for the engine? Yesterday I checked the oil level and it was between min and max. I drove about 200 km with her.


Hi there,
They may have charged for two 4ltr oil packs but not actually filled the car with it all.
The vehicle may either leak or smoke if the oil level was noticeably high.
As long as the oil level is between the min and the max, it would be considered "normal".


Hi Thank you for that
However before I started my 200 km drive I checked and the level was about 1.5 cm above the max level.
Forgot to tell you that