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I have my car serviced every 6 months. On each occasion my serviceman charges me for an :engine flush." I've read on the internet that flushing is not necessary and indeed can be detrimental to your engine.I've been a motorist for many decades and my car have always been serviced regularly without engine flushing and I've been rewarded with trouble free motoring.

So I guess my question is twofold
1. Is engine flushing detrimental to an engine.
2. If engine flushing is not detrimental to an engine, how frequently is is necessary.


There are a lot of debates around flushing of the engines before each service, I would rather avoid doing so. Flushing the engine loosens any build up of oil sludge and in turn runs the risk of blocking oil holes, which will have a detrimental effect on the engine. The best way to protect your engine it to regularly service it.