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My 1994 Sentra gets a powder build up on the battery terminals.

I thought it was because the battery was old, but I have just fitted a new one and the same thing is happening.

What causes this and is there something I can do to prevent it?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 30 August 2009


You may need to get an auto electrician to have a look and come up with a permanent remedy.

I would suggest you may need to change the terminals themselves and then apply some form of sealer (grease or vaseline) over them as a sealer.

While the terminals were no doubt cleaned before the new battery was fitted, some residue may have remained which is causing the build up to reappear.

Pouring hot water over the terminals is another way to try and remove the build up and then applying a sealer.

Be careful disconnecting the battery terminals if the vehicle has a audio unit which requires a security code to be entered if the battery feed is lost.