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My engine warning light stays on when the engine is started on my 2001 Nissan Primera.

I had it checked out by the AA and they found, the ignition system triggered the light to stay on.

This was fixed one week ago, but yesterday the light came on again.

Should I go back to the repairer and get them to turn off the warning light again, or just leave it.

By the way, do you think I am entitled to a refund?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 14 December 2009


I suspect the engine warning light is coming on because the on-board management system (computer) has detected a fault of some sort.

Quite often the fault can be erased from the computers memory by a garage and the warning light will operate normally until the fault reappears.

This may only happen at times and therefore be hard for a garage to initially detect.

This will be on-going until the actual fault is found and repaired.

It is a Warrant of Fitness requirement for the engine warning light to work properly as it can affect emissions and the engines performance, so leaving it permanently illuminated may be a short term option.

As far as a refund goes, I recommend you make contact with the repairer to discuss the current situation.

It may be unreasonable to expect them to have another look at the problem at no cost to you, but I think they should at least take on board money already spent when it comes time to settle any further costs.