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Good morning
While out driving my son and I noticed a strange smell coming from the air vents in the car. It was like a burning candle wax odour and while stopped at the traffic lights we observed a slight steam/wispy white smoke coming from the bonnet.
I parked up on a side street & let the car cool for about 20 mins. Then after driving for about 10 mins the smell started up again just slightly after having to drive on the motorway to get home. I managed to get the car home but am now too afraid to drive it anywhere today for fear of it breaking down. I don't know anything about cars so don't know what to look for. I recently had the air flow meter repaired, steering rack boot replaced, and suspension replaced. At my last service it was found that there was an oil leak coming from somewhere that would need investigating. I got a mechanic to do that when I got the steering boot rack replaced & he said he could'nt find anything! Have had bad service by a couple of cowboy mechanics who I suspect have ripped me off since recently shifting to a new city so would appreciate any advice.
Thank you.
The car is a Nissan Lucino 1997.


I suggest that you do not drive the vehicle as you will cause more damage - a burning smell and smoke is never a good sign. Get the vehicle towed to a car workshop and have a mechanic check it out. See the following link to AA Auto Service and Repair locations.