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Could you please find out for me why there is a price difference of six cents per litre from Whangarei to the Bay of Islands in Northland being a distance of approximently of 60km. The petrol price being $203.09 in Whangarei and $ 210.09 In Kaikohe. Where as you can go to Rotoroa and the price is the same as in Whangarei


Usually when the price is higher it means the service station(s) is independantly owned, so the prices are not set by the fuel company. Service stations in smaller towns have less turnover, but similar overheads, than those in main centres (like Whangarei) so will charge slightly more as their income is volume-based.


Yesterday in Rotorua Gull was 193.9 and a BP and "Z" was 210.9 17 cents a litre difference and yet the AA still endorse BP


Why i asked this question is beacause there used to be only two cents diffence until about four or five mounths ago


We have checked with Z Kaikohe and they say the current price is 3 cents per litre higher than the national price. So perhaps the 6c difference you noted was after there had been an increase across the board?


Well Z in Kaikohe pulled the wool over your eyes as yesterday Z Kaikohe was 2.15.9 and Z Kensington Whangarei was 2.10.9 so there should not be that much price diffence in such a short distance


The current national price is $2.129, so that's 3c higher at Kaikohe, the same difference you have observed in the past. The Whangarei price is discounted, probably matching the price at Gull nearby.