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Hello there,

I was just wondering if an exhaust that produces 94 dB @ 4500 RPM would be legal or would I need for it to be inspected by a certified LVVTA technican in order for it to pass a WOF? Here is the exhaust system in question:

Finally would smoked valenti lights be considered road legal or do they need to have a clear lens like these ?

Sorry for the long list, I just want to make sure that these are road legal and that they will pass a WOF.

Thank you for taking the time to read this question.

Kind regards



Hi Jack,
Any wof inspector would always refer back to the VIRM (wof book of rules) with regards to modifications.
The acceptable limits when tested, as listed in the VIRM manual are lower than 94dB and so this system would most likely not be accepted and may even require low volume certification.
Here is the information about the tail-lights, if they meet the criteria then there should be no reason for failure.