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Are slower vehicles supposed to pull over when faster traffic is building up behind them?

A number of times I have experienced a slower vehicle that pulls half off the road (but does not completely stop). This doesn't always leave safe room to pass. Also - what can be done to stop slower vehicles from speeding up in anticipation of a passing lane?

I experienced a car (towing a boat) with 10 plus cars behind it. We came to a passing lane and the car sped up from 80 - 100, meaning only half the cars could safely pass in the passing lane. Once the passing lane closed, the car in question slowed back to 90, then 80!!!

No wonder drivers get frustrated.


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 14 December 2009


It really comes down to common courtesy to be honest. I think all drivers have suffered the same frustration, but on the other hand I have also seen many vehicles pull over allowing faster traffic to pass.

Sometimes it is not possible or desirable to stop completely especially on a steep hill as it is hard to get back up to speed quickly and the risk is the driver will end up slowing even more following traffic.

Many parts of our highway network do not allow for safe passing either and often traffic slows until a passing lane is reached.

I guess patience is the key and a friendly press of the horn to acknowledge the drivers who do allow the faster traffic to pass.