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I was wondering if having a drop down polarised sun visor for reduction of glare during the day and on-coming head lights at night would be legal?

And if so, would it be something that AA would support or recommend?


From the "Ask Jack" archives - 14 December 2009


If the polarised sun visor device replaced the original opaque visor then no, it would not meet the requirements for a WoF. If the device worked supplementary to the original device then there shouldn't be a problem as far as meeting WoF requirements.

It's highly unlikely the AA would ever support such a device however. While it may comply with WoF regulations we would suggest there is a potential for it to cause injury during an accident. I'd also have concerns about using such a device at night.

A good pair of sunglasses will be far more appropriate to reduce sun glare as they work when you're scanning the road ahead, looking in the rear view mirror or out the side window.

If you find yourself dazzled by head lights at night the road code suggests you slow down and look toward the left hand side of the road until the oncoming vehicle has past.