Keeping your first car on the road

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Our blog features motoring news, tips and expert advice brought to you by the AA Motoring team.

Keeping your first car on the road

So you’ve bought your first car, taken it home, given it a good clean and there it sits proudly on your driveway waiting to be driven. 

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Seatbelt maintenance

Cars hitting the market now are packed full of advanced safety systems designed to protect everyone in the car, but some motorists aren’t even using the most basic of safety features available in nearly every car on the road – seatbelts.

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The best way to warm your car engine in the morning

No one enjoys stepping into a cold vehicle that’s been sitting outside covered in frost with the windows all fogged up. 

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How airbags save lives

The concept of the airbag has been around since the 1950s. It was an American guy called John W Hetrick who came up with the idea after his car almost hit a boulder, forcing him to brake suddenly. His wife threw out her arms to protect their children and the concept was born.

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Have you made the switch lately?

Have you ever looked under your shoes and noticed that one area of the sole is more worn than the other? The way you walk causes wear in certain areas and the same happens with your car and its tyres.

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Annoying characteristics to look out for as your car gets older

Such is life: no matter who or what it is, some things just don’t age gracefully, including our beloved vehicles. Breakages, leaks and smells happen from time to time. While some can be serious and others less so, they’re often an annoying inconvenience.

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Fuel saving driving tips

Just like you might turn off the lights in a room when you don’t need them to save electricity costs, there are ways of reducing the amount of energy your car uses to get you where you’re going.

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Pick a part that’s new?

“You’re going to need a new…” – it’s the start of that sentence that nobody ever wants to hear from their technician after they’ve taken their car in to the workshop for a service or inspection.

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Maintenance tips to help prevent a WoF failure

It’s not wise to wait until your Warrant of Fitness is due to find out if your car needs attention. After all, it goes without saying that your car should be properly maintained and safe to drive at all times.

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Why changing your oil isn’t enough

Nobody particularly enjoys taking their car in to have a service. Not only does it cost money, there is a risk more work might be needed.

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Showing 121 - 130 of 139 search results for 'Car Care'