Media releases
19 April 2006
Levin motorist wins reprieve from fuel price hikes
Mrs Pitihara is the lucky winner of $1000 worth of BP petrol vouchers, simply because she renewed the motor vehicle license for her trailer at the local AA Centre.
13 April 2006
Canterbury faces major traffic gridlock within 10 years
Christchurch is heading the way of Auckland, according to the AA.
31 March 2006
PetrolWatch March 2006
The latest increase heralds the highest ever price recorded for 91 octane since AA PetrolWatch began monitoring prices in 1999. The price even surpasses the $1.559 per litre recorded during the height of the Hurricane Katrina aftermath last year. 95 octane petrol now retails for $1.619 a litre in the main centres.
17 March 2006
Motorists unlikely to accept road pricing options
“Auckland motorists are already paying more money through petrol tax than is currently being spent on the roads. It’s a big ask to now suggest they pay $10 a day extra to park their car and $6 a day extra to drive around the city. Road pricing could cost individual motorists $2,000 to $2,500 extra a year if adopted.”
8 March 2006
PetrolWatch February 2006
“The latest price increases are a combination of rising product prices, and a falling New Zealand dollar,” says Mike Noon, AA General Manager of Motoring Affairs.
8 March 2006
Report eminently sensible and shows vision and leadership
Mr Roberts was commenting on the release this evening of the report of the Western Corridor Plan Hearing Subcommittee.
23 February 2006
Extra road funding announcement great news for motorists
“The AA is delighted the government has listened to the concerns of the motorists, and decided to fully fund Transit New Zealand’s $685 million budget shortfall,” says AA Motoring Affairs Manager Mike Noon.
22 February 2006
State Highway plan fails to deliver
“Last year’s Transit New Zealand 10-Year State Highway Forecast was generally agreed to be making progress to address our roading requirements. What a difference 12 months makes!” says AA Waikato District Chairman Trevor Follows.
15 February 2006
AA welcomes Government commitment to fund Auckland roads
The AA welcomes the Finance Minister’s announcement today that the government is committed to paying for Auckland transport projects that have already been announced.
14 February 2006
AA urges motorists to purchase cars with three-point seat belts
The AA encourages motorists to purchase cars with three-point seat belts if they intend on regularly carrying passengers.Jack Biddle, AA Technical Advice Manager, says “in the event of an accident, a three-point belt in the centre of the rear seat provides far greater protection for passengers than a lap belt.