Renew your AA Membership

Your AA Membership is valid for 12 months. By paying your annual subscription on time, you'll continue to receive all the benefits of AA Membership.

The longer you've been with the AA, the more you'll save

Remember, the longer you've been with the AA the greater the savings on your renewal fee. This is because your annual subscription is loyalty-based. If your subscription lapses, you'll no longer be eligible for this loyalty-based Membership discount. Please note if your AA Membership has recently lapsed and you’ve applied to reinstate it, you will be able to use AA Roadservice from the day after your payment has been received.

It pays to keep your AA Membership current. We'll send you a renewal notice via email and/or post before your subscription expires.

Renewal cost

You can find out the cost of your AA Membership renewal (including loyalty-based Membership discount) by:

  • Checking the renewal notice we send you
  • Calling us on 0800 225 646
    • If calling from overseas +64 9 966 8688
  • Logging in to MyAA

Renewal options

There are several ways to renew your AA Membership subscription.

Method Instructions
Online Renew online and pay securely with your credit card.
Direct debit Call us on 0800 225 646 to set up direct debit.
Note: you can cancel your direct debit arrangement at any time by calling us on 0800 225 646.
Electronic banking (phone or internet) Arrange a payment with your bank to:
Payee - The NZ Automobile Association
Bank account number - 06-0287-0269444-22
Use the last eight digits of your AA Membership number as the reference.
In person Find your nearest AA Centre or Agent

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