
Media releases about safety issues.

5 February 2013

School’s back ... AA urges extra care on the roads

The AA is urging motorists to take extra care on the roads as wet conditions combine with schools starting their year.

27 January 2013

AA welcomes changes to WoF system

The NZ Automobile Association is welcoming the government’s decision to reduce the frequency of the Warrant of Fitness (WoF) inspection.

24 January 2013

AA welcomes plans to improve rural school safety

The NZ Automobile Association is welcoming government plans to improve road safety around rural schools.

2 January 2013

Tragic turn-around in 2012’s road toll

The increase in the road toll in 2012 is both tragic and extremely disappointing, says the Automobile Association.

20 December 2012

Up to every driver to prevent holiday crashes

Almost every road crash is preventable. That is the message the AA wants drivers to take on board as we head into the riskiest time of the year on our roads.

26 November 2012

Police blitz a reminder to leave the cellphone alone

The AA fully supports the Police cracking down on drivers using their cellphones this week.

20 October 2012

Wider speed camera focus will make roads safer

The AA is welcoming the changes to speed cameras coming into force this weekend that will allow them to recognise trucks or vehicles that are towing something.

19 October 2012

Time for renewed focus on following distances

It is time to bring back the ‘only a fool breaks the two second rule’ campaign, says the AA.

16 October 2012

WoF changes can improve road safety

Groups claiming that changes to our Warrant of Fitness (WoF) regime will lead to more road deaths are misleading the public, says the AA.

3 October 2012

AA members support less frequent WoF

The majority of AA members support the idea of an annual Warrant of Fitness for vehicles up to 12 years of age, a survey has found.

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